Monday, September 9, 2013

LookingOut2: Nissa

Tropism Well

Technology: Arduino Mega, ultrasonic sensors

Tropism Well is an interactive sculpture created by designers Richard Harvey and Keivor John in 2011. When the Tropism Well is approached, water begins to pump up its neck and fill the pitcher at the top. As the pitcher fills, the well slowly and gracefully bends from the weight. Once it has bent all the way over, the Tropism Well will pour you a drink. 

What fascinates me the most about the Tropism Well is how much it seems like a living thing. The way it bends seems so natural, and the action of pouring you a glass of water makes it seem kind and helpful. In the video you can see that the people interacting with the well feel this same way, with some even thanking it for the water. 



Submergence an interactive space created by Squidsoup, a group of international interactive media artists, at Galleri ROM in Oslo during January and February 2013. Submergence is made out of over 8,000 lights hanging from the ceiling, creating 3D matrices of light. Visitors interact with moving light objects in the space as a Kinect tracks their movements. 

I think that Submergence is interesting because it seems to take you to an alternate reality and creates the illusion of physical objects and creatures using light. 

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