Sunday, October 13, 2013

LookingOut 5: Yang

Project #1 Tape Recorders 

What is it: Rows of motorised measuring tapes record the amount of time that visitors stay in the installation. As a computerised tracking system detects the presence of a person, the closest measuring tape starts to project upwards. When the tape reaches around 3 meters high it crashes and recoils back. 

Technology: Camera, Stepper motors

Field: Tracker, Robotic

Value: It gives an interesting mapping between time and distance. However, the action of crashes seems unreasonable because it cuts visitors' time of stay into pieces for no reason. Also, the tape's falling cause people to dodge and scare them off, which makes no sense unless the inventor do not want a stayer. I come up with an idea to use this phenomenon to do something positive to people's health by encouraging them to move around after a long period of unhealthy working. The natural falling ability of the increasingly long tape results in an influence of people's unconscious level, which makes people to dodge. And it ends up with a healthy break. I want to make it in the class.

Project #2 : Voice Tunnel

What is it: “Voice Tunnel” is a large-scale interactive installation which transfers people's voice into the nightspots in a dark tunnel in the New York City. To use it, people press a button to record his/her voice and the light is lightened according to the volume of that voice in realtime. The voice is stored and played until the next player.

Technology:Voice recorder, Theatrical light

Field: Interactive Sound Light

Value: I thought it is just a magical visual design until I heard many positive voice recorded. People are so eager to have their voice heard or their mood expressed and the dim environment provides they a wonderful place to do so. The voices make the tunnel a narrative and a place full of story. Also, seeing others' light and others' voices can make them feel connected. That is truly a great feeling for people living in a big city.

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