Monday, August 5, 2013

[howToPostExample] assignment1:Zack

I'm on the board.

All of your posts will end up under the main page of the blog: lab.Work.

They will appear first-come-first-served.  There will probably be batches of posts under the same heading such as, "assignment1".  But just in case, make sure the title of the post tells us what we're looking at.  It may be "lookingOut1: Zack" or "finalProjectProposal: Dale" (if you're name happens to be Zack or Dale, that is).

Inside you can add images!

Add videos

 And LINK to other web locations.

There are lots of ways to change things like text.  But remember, be brief.  Text is like the elevator music of blogging.  It shouldn't be the main focus and too much of it can wear you down.

In the end, be sure you hit the PUBLISH, or UPDATE button when you're ready to post, or make changes.

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