Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Looking Out

Resinance is inspirational as it created a system of self responding entities. The objects interact with the environment as well as among themselves.

Resinance from materiability on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Looking Out

By creating visual illusions, "Box Demo" created an intense magic experience.
Project by GMUNK.

Box from Bot & Dolly on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

LookingOut 9: Liang

MusicInk (2013)
by Riccardo Vendramin & Gilda Negrini

MusicInk is a project aiming at music teaching. It creates a new way to understand music and interact with musical instruments. It is a toy that provides an innovative approach to music, allowing kids not only to draw musical properties, but also to compose a real symphony. The major technology covers a conductive ink by Bare Conductive, MPR121 controller, Arduino, LiPo shield, Bluetooth shield by Seedstudio, Android, Pure Data for Android, Pure Data patch. Children are able to complete a unique electrically conductive paint and then play their drawings with music.